Priorities 2: Killing a ball of cells vs a living breathing sentient being
What is wrong with the fucking people in this country? The latest issue of the day: whether to pass legislation that forces pharmacists who are against abortion to sell morning after pills. I guess a lot of them are refusing to sell them based on their personal moral objection to the use of the products they sell in their own store. If I worked in a pet shop, and someone came in to purchase a parakeet, and I personally don't believe birds should be held captive in cages, and so I refused to sell that person a parakeet because I though what they were doing was immoral, I would certainly be fired. Its called "not doing your job." If you disapprove of your customers, find a different job asshole. You don't see mormons working in liquor stores do you? If you are one of these faith based, intelligent design, anti-proven scientific fact people, what are you doing working in medicine in the 1st place? Go become a priest and molest little boys or something.
Apart from that, the real issue is abortion. These moral crusaders are okay with birth control pills that prevent an egg from becoming fertilized, but if the same exact drug, in larger doses, prevents a fertilized egg from implanting into the uterus, they object because its an abortion. (To be fair, Catholics don't even allow birth control.) I can only attribute this twisted logic to the dismal role of science in modern culture. Everyone is so uneducated that they don't understand this pesky little thing known as REALITY. Damn thing keeps getting in the way of our agendas! That is what science IS, the study of reality.
It happens quite naturally and frequently, a sexually active woman sometimes flushes out fertilized eggs when she has her period. So any woman that's had more than one period after a guy came in her, is a serial killer. Also, the entire medical world, including the FDA, you know, those liberal activists at the FDA, consider the pill to be birth control, not an abortion pill. This is based on the fact that the no one considers a woman pregnant until the fertilized egg has actually implanted itself in the uterus. That is the clinical definition of the word "pregnant." A pregnancy test, even the professional ones at the hospital, simply test for hormones that are released once the egg has attached itself. Pregnant doesn't mean there's a fertilized egg floating around in you somewhere, it means it is atached and groing into a fetus. The Oxford dictionary defines it thus: Pregnant: a woman or female animal having a child or young developing in the uterus.
How far back are they going to take this oxymoronic "sanctity of life" bullshit. Right now they've got it pegged at a stage that is earlier than the medical community and the english language dictionaries define as being pregnant. Soon, they will want to put people in jail for THINKING about having a baby and then deciding not to. Murderers! Baby killers!!
If you want to say that its immoral to destroy a ball of cells that has the potential to become a human, fine, I won't fault you. You have extremely strict limits on what you consider to be murder. But I'll respect that. Its like those vegans who won't even eat honey because it exploits the bees, and won't even eat vegetable that kill the plant, like carrot or potatoes. I'm a bit looser but I can respect your beliefs.
The priority paradox that is so batantly obvious with these retarded right to lifers, is that I imagine most of them eat meat! I will respect your beliefs, as long as they are not hypocritical, so if you are anti-abortion, fine, you'd just better be a vegan too. A ball of cells, vs a full grown adult mammal, hmmm. How can you want to protect a ball of fucking cells, something as sentient as e coli or at best a fruit fly, yet be fine with eating the flesh of slaughtered and psychologically tortured pigs or cows. A full grown pig is quite aware of what's going on when they are sent to the slaughter house. They tremble with fear and scream and piss themselves as the stand in line to be executed. Why is a potential human more important than a living animal, so much that they are willing to negatively impact society in a significant way to prevent the destruction of that potential human. Seems like radical antropocentrism to me. Now I know I'm generalizing by introducing politics here, but a vast majority of these pro-lifers are staunch Republicans, and war hawks. Why are they worried about a bacteria thing being destroyed before it has a chance to implant in the uterus when 14 adult men, some with families, we're blown up yesterday fighting a war (I mean a global struggle) whose purpose so far has been to create a safe haven country for terrorist. Excuse me, violent extremists.
The hypocrisy and inversion of logical, moral, priorities, is just fucking dumbfounding. These conservatives are unbelievable. What exactly is it that you guys stand for again? Cuz whatever it is, I'll show you twice as many ways where you guys are undermining you own efforts and doing the exact opposite of what you purport to "believe" in.
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