Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Friday, March 11, 2005

Take That Stupid Yellow Thing Off Now

Uh... Perhaps I need to do a little more homework, but I was under the impression, and a quick google search supports this, that Lance Armstrong doesn't have cancer anymore. Am I wrong? If not, that means that the excruciatingly passé yellow rubber wrist bands have officially reached the status of wearing an earring in your right ear. Its meaningless as an indicator of sexal preference at this point, but you're still a fag for having one.

What's with attaching a yellow strand of something to your vehicle or person to show your half hearted solidarity about an issue you are most likely ill-informed about? There is nothing noble about noticing a $1.99 yellow wrist band or yellow ribbon sticker on display at the checkout counter of AM/PM while you're buying tampons for your wife, and throwing one in your basket to show off to strangers that you are some kind of socially minded activist. You want to know what would be noble? Donating ANY sum of money to a cancer or veterans foundation and NOT TELLING ANYONE!