Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Thursday, March 31, 2005

14 years of silence, its been 14 years of PAIIIN!

Actually 16. And now its over. Sweet. Awesome. I can finally stop hearing about Terri Fucking Schiavo. Today is a good day. Not only for us media watchers who are weary of an issue lack of any REAL controversy, but for Terri herself. The beating of the vegetative state/minimally conscious horse has come to an end. Not to mention that any time a huge group of religious conservatives suffers a staggering defeat in their agenda to turn their personal beliefs into policy that effects all Americans, I am a happy man. In fact any time fanatical religious conservatives are unhappy about something, chances are, I'm fucking ecstatic.

Terri Schiavo's body finally ceased to be vegetative early this morning in Pinellas Park, Florida. Terri, the Terri that her husband, friends, and relatives knew, has been dead for much much longer. In Time magazine there is a picture of the CT scan of Terri's brain next to a CT scan of a regular person. The regular person has lines, wrinkles, a visible structure. Terri's is pure smooth even grey. It says her cortex has undergone something to the effect of "extreme liquification." In other words her brain has melted. Just because she can move sometimes and makes gurgling noises, doesn't mean anyone is home.

Frankly, I think this whole case is a non-issue because it really makes no difference whether she was kept alive or not. She's brain dead. If your computer is turned off, does it matter if the plug is actually in the wall? Keeping energy flowing into a system that is not functioning doesn't produce any different results than if the energy is stopped. The output of the system is still zero. The computer isn't on! Do you care if the little LED on the front is lit up or not? Your homework isn't going to get done either way. Consider the deeply sedated state one goes into during heavy surgery. When you wake up, you awake from the dead. You're not even aware time has passed. There was just about zero mental activity, your consciousness was turned off more than in any sleeping state, your mind was dead. But your body, your body was still alive, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come back. So its quite conceivable how the heart can keep beating, the lungs can keep breathing yet the mind is as absent as you are in surgery. (In fact I think her heart and lungs were even assisted, ie not working on their own) If it has been declared that you could never wake from this state, YOU are dead. Your meat may be still working on a mechanistic level, but YOU are gone. In religious terms, Terri's soul left her body a long time ago.

Would Terri's parents ever be able to talk to her again? To laugh and share a story, to even hug her and be hugged back? No. I'm glad Michael fought the legal battle just because I want right to death to win based on principle, but as far as he was concerned, she has no mental activity, so he might as well have just given up and let them keep pumping nutrients into their vegetable and moved on with his life. But I'm glad he didn't. Her fought the ideological battle. Congratulations Michael, best of luck in rebuilding your life.

Terri's parents believe that she wasn't completely lights out. That she was "minimally concious." Therein lies the hypocrisy. There's no dispute about Terri ever waking up and coming back to normal. Ain't happenin'. Her brain is fucking liquid. I don't care about further untried therapies, Terri was NOT coming back, no way no how. So if they ACTUALLY believe that she was kind of "awake" in there, that she was minimally concious, perhaps in a dreamlike state, or worse, even more aware; and they know she can never escape it, why would they torture her by keeping her prisoner in a non-functional body? The hypocrisy is that the more concious she is, the stronger a reason to put her out of her misery. Free the Terri ypu love from the prison she must hate. Or for you religious people, unchain her soul. I think the worst possible torture I could imagine is being 100% fully aware and cognitive, aware of what's going on around you, all 5 sense fully functioning, yet having your body paralyzed and unable to even move your eyes. Even if that were the case and you were fully conscious, you would go insane in a matter of weeks. So their arguement that she's more aware that everyone thinks being a reason to keep her alive, is just fucking evil. That's exactly the reason to pull the plug you heartless bastards.

Rest in peace Terri.