Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Friday, August 05, 2005

Not Quite a Cover Up, but Deceptive Disinformation

I don't know what the current death toll is of US Soldiers in Iraq, 27 guys died this week alone, but its probably close to breaking 2000 by now. This is a figure we are more or less familiar with, considering how long the war has gone on, its actually not THAT many. On September 8th, 2004 it was announced that the 1000th soldier had been killed, so 1000 per year is not terribly terribly horrible, however, it is still 1000 per year too many.

So the deception that is taking place, enacted by the Pentagon, is that these figures we hear are ONLY KIAs, killed-in-action. It doesn't acount for troops who were taken to a hospital and later died of their wounds! This number is significantly larger. Conservative estimates put it at 4000, liberal estimates closer to 6000. So when you add back in the 2000 that they actually acknowledge, anywhere from 6000-8000 US men and women have given their lives.

What are we getting out of this again?