Gay Men vs Fags Part II
As I've said before I have some gay men that I consider good friends. I would never have met, or continue to hang out with these guys if it wasn't for them being best friends with Nicole (my fiancé as we go to print), but this is more to do with the fact that I alos have a lot of straight friends that I'm even closer with that I never hang out with; its just a product of a busy life. But since they are Nicole's best friends, I spend a lot more time with them than I do a lot of my straight friends whom I consider myself to be closer with and have a stonger bond with.
That being said, I really love these guys. They are great. They are intelligent and have great senses of humor and know how to party, and 99% of the time, they don't really act that gay. Don't get me wrong, the man on the street would probably peg them immediately, because they are a bit too coiffed and well dressed and stylish. I also have another gay friend who is 100% outwardly straight. 0% indication that he's a poo packer. I met him of my own accord, years ago. And standing next to Freddy, these other two friends would probably be instantly identifiable. But let me get to the point:
A couple of these guys, the slightly gayer to begin with ones, sometimes come out of their shells a bit much. When they've had a few glasses of wine, and around a couple other gay guys, sometimes they'll turn into my definition of a complete flaming fags. Effeminate head cocks, eyelash bats, squealing like a little girl at jokes, valley girl speech, the whole bit. That bothers me a bit because I think its retarded and completely unneccesary but if that's your identity and that's what you feel comfortable with, do what you gotta do, I guess. (Its the "gotta" part that puzzles me though...)
But what really creeps me out is they start referring to their friends and other gay men as, "she," and "her," and, "honey." To me this is the height of the flaming faggotry that I cannot help but despise. Well, I guess despise is the wrong word; too strong of a word. I don't despise anyone unless they are doing harm to someone else. But it really fucking creeps me out never the less, and it makes me uncomfortable and makes me feel like, "Oh my God I have to get out of here I cannot deal with you flaming faggots..."
People can do whatever they want to do, and I'll try not to judge people for that. But its a common sentiment that you hear,
"I have no problem with people being gay, but keep you sex life out the conversation, as long as I don't have to think about what you do behind closed doors, we can get along fine."
Referring to eachother and "she," is just about the equivalent of dropping your pants and going at it on my dining room table. (Well, maybe not. I'd physically throw them out of my house if they did that.) But she and her? that is just psychologically disturbing to me. So you're really NOT an otherwise normal guy who's just attracted to the same sex, you DO have this whole psychological baggage thing and you wish you were a fucking girl? It leaves me with no option but to conclude that it IS a mental illness. Put it back on the books ladies and gentlemen, he just called Rob, "she."
You've got a penis, be a fucking man. I don't care if you like to stick it between hairy muscular buttocks, don't act like a little bitch, or I can't be around you.
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