Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Muslims Are Really Fucking Stupid

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I absolutely never make sweeping generalizations about race, class, gender, or religion, but jesus christ, muslims are fucking retards. I was just downtairs in the cafe buying a muffin, and they have a TV there that they always keep tuned to the FOX State Television channel, and the lower third graphic is the same story its been since last friday: muslims outraged over Pope's comments. This latest incident only further supports my view that the world would be an entirely better place if we could just take all the Muslims and Christians and put them on Mars, (or maybe Pluto, because that's apparently in a parallel universe now.)

Sure the Pope is almost as retarded as these furious Muslims for saying what he said, but the one minor difference is that Muslims are pretty much wrong about everything, and the Pope is pretty much wrong about everything, except when he mentioned last friday that Muslims trying to spread their religion by the sword are barbaric savages.

So what do the Muslims do to demonstrate that they are not barbaric savages? The same thing they did 6 months ago when they were angry about some cartoons that depicted them as barbaric savages, they riot and kill people and burn everything down and act like barbaric savages.

Wow! Guess we were wrong! What they heck were we thinking? Where do we get off making such accusations, they are certainly not grounded in any kind of reality! Jeepers!

I started this post just to highlight a much simpler concept of retardation, but as soon as I thought about it for half a milisecond I realized the irony of their, "IM NOT RAISING MY VOICE!!!!!" response every time Muslims are publicy accused of being violent uncivilized monsters.

What I was going to say, half a miliscond before, was just that Muslims are really fucking stupid because they always seem to light a car on fire, dance around it shooting guns in the air, and throwing American flags onto the fire. These guys were literally dancing and leaping around. One of them did a little Gene Kelley Singin' in The Rain mid-air double leg pump move. It was hilarious. Another guy threw a flag on the flames, but the rising smoke sort of blew it back off and it landed on the ground, half aflame, so he picked it back up again to thow it back and you could see him recoil because it burnt his forearm a bit as he did so. How highly evolved.

My 1st thought was, uh, the Vatican... is uh... in Italy? But I guess to them the American flag represents the other 6 billion people on earth who are not part of their local tribe of savages.

My second thought was, I fucking hate the US government as much as these guys do, probably more because I actually understand it, yet I don't express that hatred by lighting shit on fire and prancing around shooting bullets into the air. But for Muslims its practically a cultural pastime. Pray 5 times a day, denigrate a few women-dogs, and dance around a buring tire at least once firing guns aimlessly.

If someone were to say, oh, commit an atrocity against my mother, and I caught the son of a bitch, and I lived in a lawless society, I would pretty much shoot him in the head, throw him in a dumpster and be done with it, (well maybe in the balls 1st, and in the head 5 minutes later.)
I certainly would not pluck his eyeballs out, cut off his penis and tongue and shove them down his throat, slice the 1st digit off every finger, disembowel him and string him up to a lampost by his intestines, and then take a shower in his blood as it rains down onto the sidewalk. This is essentially the state we find Sunni's in mass graves all over Iraq, executed by Shiite death squads. Oh I forgot drilling holes in their heads with electric drills. That's very common.

There is a difference between revenge, and being a fucking monster. I guess this is the point where I need to mention that of course, most Muslims are very decent and civilized people, and judging all Muslims by Al Qaeda and Hamas is like judging all white people by the KKK, but the KKK are not on TV every other day causing problem for the entire world and getting millions of people killed. If they were, the other white people would go and crush them in about a week. Its the bad Muslims that are the #1 threat to the global peace right now, and if its such a small minority, why aren't the other Muslims who must be pissed at the bad rap they're getting, DOING something about it? I know, I know, its not that easy.

But the truth is, its not THAT small of a minority, it millions of Muslims, countries full of them. Most of Pakistan for example. Whom, let me mention, we allow to have nuclear weapons and to continue supporting the Taliban. Im going off topic here so lets return to the issue at hand:

Islam fucking sucks. Christianity fucking sucks. Ortodox Jews fucking suck. Hindus, not so bad I guess. Buddhists, rock on. Scientologists... ha! you guys are hilarious, please continue with your amusing comedy routine.

Atheism sucks too, but atheists don't blow themselves up in cafes and dance clubs.
Fuck everyone.