Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Friday, March 02, 2007

Country Stuff

This is a two parter. It started out with the question of: What is the rhyme or reason that determines which suffix the people and language of a particular country are referred to by? -ian, -an, -ese, -ish, -ic, -i, are all the ones I can think of. It seems to be loosely logical. Most strongly correlated seems to be what letter or phenome the country ends with, however there are a lot of cases where it could just as easily go a different way, Iranian could just be Irani, Icelandic could be Icelandish, etc. There also seem to be some regional associations, Asian countries are all -ese, almost all of South American countries are -ian. You might think this is because almost all South American coutries end in -ia, and you'd be close. At 1st glance it looks that if its an -ia country it gets -ian, and if its just an -a country, it gets and -an. As in, Bolivia-Bolivian. Cuba-Cuban. But Brazil get -ian. Ecuador gets -ian, Paraguay get -an. Peru gets -vian. And Argentina gets either Argentine, or Argentinian, I could never figure that one out.

So I began looking at the map of the world on Google. Which brings me to part two. Why is every country spelled in its English tranlation, except a handful of random countries? Every last country in Africa is labeled under its English translation, even though I'm sure that the people of Mozambique, when speaking Mozambi, or Mozambiquian or whatever, refer to their own country as Mumbotumbokutamandimbio or something like that. So when making a map for the English speaking Western world, it makes sense to not put all this weird shit that no one will be able to identify, but rather put it all in English.

Why then, do they sporadically put all this weird shit that no one will be able to identify? They especially seem to favor the Eastern European countries for this treatment. Its says Deutschland instead of Germany, Polska instead of Poland, Ceska Repub. for Czech Republic. Some country of which I have no idea is called Magyarorzag. Turkey is Turkiye. Greece looks like a fucking fraternity. Russia is Poccnr, with backwards letters.

Japan is spelled in English along with Japanese characters, but why not Nippon? Why are China, and Saudi Arabia, and Central African Republic referred to as China, Saudi Arabia, and Central African Republic, yet Italy gets Italia? They use the Cyrilic alphabet in Russia, hence the Poccnr, yet I'm rather certain that in Kyrgyzstan they don't use the English alphabet.

So what the fuck google, you guys racist or what?