Beating You Over the Head with Subtlety

Mind Numbingly Interesting

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Why Democrats suck almost as much as Republicans

This was emailed to me, I thought it was a good description
of the past election.

"The Democrats' mistake was in supposing that a disastrous war, national
bankruptcy, the loss of our liberties, a corporate takeover of the
Government, a conspiracy to sabotage Social Security and Medicare, the
destruction of the environment, systematic lying by the Administration
on all levels, and the forfeiting of our economic and moral leadership in
the world might be of some concern to the electorate.

The Republicans rightly perceived that the chief concern of the American
people was how to keep gay couples from having an abortion."

This is why I think it went down like that:

The reason why we lost is no secret. Its because the democrats were unable to make:
a disastrous war, national bankruptcy, the loss of our liberties, a corporate takeover of the Government, a conspiracy to sabotage Social Security and Medicare, the destruction of the environment, systematic lying by the Administration on all levels, and the forfeiting of our economic and moral leadership in the world,

actually seem like an urgent crisis. Why is it so hard to make the end of the world seem like something that people should be concerned about? The Democrats have no clear message, direction, or anything that they clearly "stand for." They are just "against" the Republicans. We have no Karl Rove. He is a genius manipulator. He was able to perfectly play the "if God be for us, who be for them?" card. Are the democrats AGAINST moral values? He was able to completely turn the tables and make the bad guys look live saviours and the good guys look bad. Ask any average, poorly informed person on the street what the Republicans stand for and what the Democrats stand for and see what they say.

It still blows my mind that everyone was so easily "fooled," but the truth is, no one is informed. If they are, their getting it from FOX or whatever. It shouldn't be so difficult to expose the terrible things happening that are destroying this once great nation. And when truth is actually presented to the American people in a simple concise message, even Bush's spin doctors won't be able to twist it around.

I mean, look at the whole Swift Boat thing for example. That was such a non-issue, but did it really hurt Kerry? You bet. All he had to say was, "look, I was in Vietnam, I served, I got shot at, I saved lives. You weren't even there George. You were AWOL from the national guard because of drug testing. When I came home and saw that it was an unwinnable war and we were wasting the lives of brave Americans, I did what I could to end the war. I protested. In one form or another, I was working for the good of America the whole time. During that same time, you were partying and playing hookey. I've made sacrafices for my country George. What have you sacraficed? I was IN Vietnam George, you never were. End of story."

Its should be really easy to shut them down and expose them for the evil lying hypocrits that they are, but the Democrats can't seem to figure out how to do that.